DAILY WORD 5/14/21

Christopher Louis Reid
4 min readMay 14, 2021

6Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:6 NLT

Today’s Passage is another short one but one that holds significant meaning, not only to me personally but to all of us that call ourselves Christians. Along with Verse 5, this is the Passage that my wife and I call our “Life Verses.” They encompass the entirety of what we deem important as far as Following God’s Guidance and Surrendering our wills to Him.

In the King James Version the Verse reads like this: “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” It is a simple concept that is not so simple to pull off.

The writer is telling us that in everything we do, in every decision, every step, and every move we make that we should seek God’s Will for our Path. That means that there is nothing that we should do that we should not consult God on before doing it.

That seems easy enough, but in practice, it is more complicated than it sounds. Consulting God prior to our every action takes a significant level of conscious thought and requires us to be in constant prayer like Jesus told His disciples in Luke 18.

It also takes patience. The thing about consulting God before you take action on anything is that you have to wait to hear from Him before you act. That means that you may have to forego your own preconceived schedule and wait on His.

It also means that you have to develop a sensitive ear to hear God’s Voice. Not everyone can hear God, at least not at first. You have to develop a “quiet spirit” in order to perceive God’s “Still Small Voice.”

That takes both patience and discernment. It requires a level of spiritual acuity that many Christians do not possess. You have to quiet your mind and the thoughts that constantly bombard your decision-making process and allow God’s Quiet Wisdom to be the Voice that you focus on.

There are also the outside voices that you must train your brain to ignore. The enemy is always trying to insert his opinion into your progression. If he can insinuate his boisterous and overbearing outlook into your mind, overpowering God’s Peaceful Insight, he can drive a wedge between you and the Right Route.

That will change the trajectory of your flight path, causing you to veer off God’s Will for your life. Then, if you never correct the mistake, you will find yourself in a place that God never intended you to be, a place that is far from His Will.

For God to Direct our Paths, we have to be willing, ready, and able to Listen to His Voice. That takes practice and the ability to quiet our minds and be patient enough to wait for His Answer.

In this fast-paced life, with all of its high-speed information and instant gratification, waiting on God’s Voice runs counter to our current culture. That is why I call social media and all that it entails “Weapons of Mass Distraction.”

They are designed to interrupt the relationship we are supposed to develop with God as we Listen Quietly for His Voice. But to Trust in God, Lean Not on our own feeble understanding, and Acknowledge Him in all our ways, it requires a step back from technology and a step toward His Tranquil Perfection.

We must be willing to slow down, be patient, and understand that all good things come to those who wait. That may require us to forego and amend our schedule. It may force us to put down our devices, take a step back, and meditate on God for a while as he Manufactures His Mercies and Engineers His Answers.

But the end result will be Perfection. His Will is Perfect, and Perfection takes time. That is the Lesson that comes with Acknowledging Him in all your ways. To allow Him to Direct your Path, you have to be willing to wait. That can be frustrating, especially when there is an immediate decision to make.

The question becomes what is more important, a fast answer or a Perfect one? God has given us the Privilege of self-will. We can choose to hear Him and be sure of our trajectory or take our own path and end up where the enemy wants us. The decision is up to you. It’s all a question of Priorities.

Have a Fantastic Friday and Be Patient; God IS Listening!




Christopher Louis Reid

Lifelong writer of poetry, lyrics, & stories for His Glory